Our Programme


Each goddess graduates from the programme with new skills, a deeper self awareness and a community of like-minded gal pals.

Goddess Workshops are structured around the three pillars; MIND, BODY  and COMMUNITY.

Mind: Discusses each individual girls’ ‘guiding light’ (values). Girls will also be able to develop individualised positive affirmations and learn about their ‘inner voice’. All girls will learn how to create happy, healthy friendships and will be given tools to resolve conflict and communicate powerfully.

Body: This component is present in each workshop through breathwork and yoga. The breathwork gives students practical strategies to cope with anxiety and other big emotions, a superpower tool for everyday life.

Community: Teamwork and collaboration will be used to create a close-knit girl tribe with the goal that each girl feels supported and encouraged.

The wide range of activities ensure that all different types of learners are engaged and motivated.


  • Core values

  • Inner voice

  • Goal setting

  • Positive affirmations

  • Journaling techniques


  • Yoga for kids

  • Breathwork and movement


  • Opportunity to meet and connect with like-minded girls, forming a girl tribe

  • Teamwork games

Goddess Workshops

2024 Workshops + Past Workshops